Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Brent & Sherry Visit Maui

We are so happy that our good friends, Brent and Sherry Miller, are here visiting for a week.  Joe and Brent worked together at GVPD.  They got here late Saturday afternoon.

Happy to arrive after the long flight from KC

After a quick stop at the condo to freshen up, we headed to Lahiana for a great dinner and beautiful sunset at the Lahiana Fish Factory.

Someone to drink martinis with me - Yippee!

The sunset started out slow, but became quite beautiful

It quickly became apparent that "keep out" signs meant nothing to Sherry -- haha.

Bad Sherry in the Banyon Tree

Bad Sherry 2

Bad Sherry 3

We got up early Sunday and headed back to the Sports Page bar to watch the Chiefs lose to Houston :(  But we had a great time and met up again with our new Maui-Chiefs-fans friends.  After the game, we headed to Big Beach for some beach fun.

Big Beach

Monday we rented snorkle equipment and went to Honolu'a and Kapalua.  Mid-way through Sherry came face-to-face (and I mean right in her face!) with a huge sea turtle - boy, I wish I'd gotten that picture!  But she says the picture is imbedded forever in her memory - haha.

Joe & Brent on the way to Honolu'a

Happy Brent & Sherry pre-sea-turtle experience

Tuesday, Brent and Sherry made arrangements to go on a fishing excursion so up early again for a 7:30 check-in.  Unfortunately, the fish weren't biting very well but Brent managed to catch the first fish and Sherry caught the biggest.  Neither Joe or I really fish that much, so we went along as photographers.

Sherry's catch - a Pipio

Brent looking disappointed in his little fish

Brent caught this ugly thing called a Squirrel fish -- we threw it back

We've had a great time and it's only Tuesday!


  1. Great pictures of Hawaii Deb. Unfortunately, this morning I was treated to a picture of John walking into the PIT with his zipper all the down.....AGAIN. Retirement is too far away for me......
