Monday, March 14, 2011

Angela, Steve and Trevor come to Daytona!

We are so excited that Angela, Steve and Trevor have come to visit us during Trevor's Spring Break and his 9th birthday (March 16)!

They arrived Saturday afternoon in time for the last Saturday night of Bike Week.  So Joe took Ang and Steve down to Main Street at Daytona Beach and Trevor and I had some great "Grammy-and-Trevor-catch-up" time.  Even though they had a long driving trip to get here, the "bikers" had a great time, stayed out late and then stayed up until 3 am telling me all about it!

Joe borrowed Richard's Harley so
Steve and Angela could ride his

Since it is Trevor's birthday, it was his request that we spend EVERY DAY at the beach, so Sunday around noon (since the party group slept late) we headed for New Smyrna Beach.  Although the ocean is still really cold, Trevor couldn't wait to get in and he loved it -- never complained once about the cold water! 

On the way to the beach, we got stopped by
the drawbridge letting a big barge through

Trevor and his new boogie board

As we left New Smyrna beach, we had a birthday surprise for Trevor and he got to pick out his very own hermit crab, which he promptly named Shelton.

Yep, this is the one for me -- 
they instantly bonded!

Shelton's new home
and new shell painted like a soccer ball

After a quick clean-up, we went to what is becoming one of our favorite places to eat, Famous Philly's, and had some great food and all got to leave our "mark" (along with a jillion other people) at the restaurant.

Even Grammy left her mark

On the way home, Joe and Steve made a tee time to play golf at our Crane Lakes golf course in the morning. 

Steve got to see all the water on the course -- time to get some more golf balls!  Joe and Trevor are now spending every evening walking around the pond behind our house going "golf ball fishing".

Then a quick lunch and off to Daytona Beach!

Steve, Ang and Trevor at Daytona Beach
Grandpa and Dad bury Trevor in the sand

We took some bread with us to let Trevor feed the seagulls thinking it would be funny, but he loved it and they came right up to him.

Trevor getting the gulls to eat out of his hand

Look who's afraid of the seagulls --
not so funny now, is it?  haha

The news promises 80+ degree clear, sunny weather all week, so we should be having a great beach week!

1 comment:

  1. i love this last picture. uncle joe being scared but trevor being a brave little guy
