Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Rippin' It Up

Bike Week continues in Daytona, with more and more bikers arriving.  Everything is in full swing here now, and Lou and Dave are determined not to miss one moment! 

Main Street

Beach Street

We've seen great bikes, crappy bikes, home-made crazy bikes, ultra-expensive bikes, broken-down bikes, dogs on bikes -- you name it and I think we've seen it.  

We went to Destination Daytona (Bruce Rossmeyer's Daytona Harley Davidson complex) and down Beach Street and took in all the sights and activities.  Outdoor bands, food and beer tents, streets lined with vendors -- lots to see and do. 

Destination Daytona -- largest Harley dealership

Lou gets driving lessons

This may be the one for me!
Look at the babe I picked up on my new bike

Dave in a simulated motorcycle race

Today we went to The Cabbage Patch for possibly the most famous annual Bike Week event.  Cole Slaw wrestling -- yes, real COLE SLAW -- tons of it!  Who comes up with this stuff?   

This classic (classy) event has been held
every year since 1985

Then we rode back down to Main Street to the Full Moon Saloon and Dirty Harry's, where it was wilder than wild.  It was a really warm, sunny day and everyone was out in the streets.  Dave won a free t-shirt and  bucket of beers (yay!) in a contest and Lou and Joe both snagged free stuff that was thrown into the crowds.

Great band at Full Moon Saloon

Hey!  How did this get into my pictures?!

We decided to end the day with a great pizza and while we were there, a weather warning came on the TV -- rain and hail on the way!  We jumped on the bikes and raced home, arriving just a moment before the cold rain started.  But -- wow -- we have had some great weather these last couple of days and tons of fun!

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